Canon ir2018 & ir2020 Reset the error code E000003-0000. This article contains information that shows you how to fix Error E000003-0000 on your Canon IR 2016, ir2018 and ir2020. This article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Error E000-0000, E0001-000, E0002-000 and E000003-0000 that you may receive, so check them one by one until it gets solved.
Canon IR 2016, 2018 reset error code E000003-0000
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Error E000003-0000 on your Canon IR 2016, ir2018 and ir2020. This article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Error E000-0000, E0001-000, E0002-000 and E000003-0000 that you may receive, so check them one by one until it gets solved.
The maintenance sign means that the copier needs to be well serviced and checked if something is to be replaced. Consumables such as Toner, Drum, Blade, Fuser rollers, Pickup roller, and Developer are changed at such times. And also check the changing consumables are original or not. Always use spares having good quality. If you are sure that you have replaced the correct part or nothing is to be replaced, after ensuring these things, you can proceed to clear the sign. Always call experienced technicians for service.
Meaning of the E000003 error code
The E0003 error code is for the Fuser unit not getting to the correct temperature in a specified time. You may have a bad power problem on the wall outlet if it is not the right voltage, which can damage the copier. The Fuser code needs to be reset in the service mode. It is easy to do.
How to fix the E000003 error code
Follow these steps to fix your problem:
- Press the Additional Functions (*) button.
- Then press the 2 and 8 buttons.
- Press again the Additional Functions (*) button.
- The service mode should appear on the screen. Search for “CLEAR” press OK once.
- Then scroll to “ALL” and press Ok.
- Turn off the machine from the main switch for about a minute and restart it.
Even if the above fixes are shown in error code. Then check these all things.
Some possible causes:
- Check the connector of the fixing film unit.
- Check the fuser film.
- Replace the fixing film unit.
- Replace the DC controller PCB.
After you replace the part, then you have to reset the machine in service mode.
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