This article explains how you can reset the error code sc551, sc552-01, sc552-03, sc553, sc555 and sc547 on your Ricoh MP 2001, MP 2001L and MP2501L A3 Monochrome copier. Although the printer is physically fine, it will not be ready until the previous error condition is cleared. We share a few methods to fix this error, so check them one by one until you fix this.
How to clear service call sc552 Ricoh MP 2501
This article explains how you can reset the error code sc551, sc552-01, sc552-03, sc553, sc555 and sc547 on your Ricoh MP 2001, MP 2001L and MP2501L A3 Monochrome copier. Although the printer is physically fine, it will not be ready until the previous error condition is cleared. We share a few methods to fix this error, so check them one by one until you fix this.
Meaning of the sc552 Error Code:
Ricoh SP c2501sf Error code sc552 indicates a Fusing temperature warm-up error. Fusing Temperature comes down to 4 degrees for 2 seconds, which is repeated 5 times. Turn off the main power switch and on the main switch. Once the error is reached, the printer is toasting until the error is automatically cleared from the display.
How to fix the sc552 error code:
You can fix it in some of the simplest processes. Follow the steps below:
- Pressing the “C” button on the panel
- Then press “1, 0, 7” on the keypad
- Press the “start” button. (you get a new screen “Maintenance Mode”)
- Search to “Engine maintenance” then press “ok”.
- Search “Fuser SC Reset” then press ok button
- You can see the new screen Are you sure to execute, press the Execute below button.
- After turning off the main power switch, wait 10 seconds and fire the machine back up, now reset your error
If that does not work, you need to check these all
I hope this was helpful, don’t forget to share it via any of the share buttons on this page are highly welcomed as well.Some possible causes:
- Please verify that the thermistors are correct and installed correctly.
- Check the thermostats and fusing lamps for the open circuit.
- Poor fusing unit connector.
- The power supply board defective.
After you replace the part, then you have to reset the machine in service mode.