This error may be caused by a problem happened while repairing. You can easily solve this trouble code with the help of following instructions.
Fix the error code e000247-0001 in Canon IR3245i, IR 3325i, ir3235i
Hoe to Solve error code e000247-0001 in Canon IR3245i, IR3325i, ir3235i |
This article consists of meaning and solution for error code e000247-0001 in Canon IR3245i, IR3325i, ir3235i copier machine. this is a rare case. This error may be caused by a problem happened while repairing. You can easily solve this trouble code with the help of following instructions.
The maintenance sign means that the copier needs to be well serviced and checked if something is to be replaced. Consumables such as Toner, Drum, Blade, Fuser rollers, Pickup roller, and Developer are changed at such times. And also check the changing consumables are original or not. Always use spares to have good quality. If you are sure that you have replaced the correct part or nothing is to be replaced, after ensuring these things, you can proceed to clear the sign. Always call experienced technicians for service.
Meaning of the error code E000247-0001
This error E000247-0001 is caused by counter-Memory PCB is not matching with the main controller PCB. The Counter-Memory PCB is a matched board with the Serial Number PCB (main controller P.C.B). When you replace the counter-memory PCB of a machine, also change the main controller PCB. If you don’t, the error occurs.
Solution for E000247-0001
- Replace the new counter-memory PCB, then reset it.
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